5 of the Happiest Jobs in America

5 of the Happiest Jobs in America

Do you feel happy at work?


Everyone would like to say they work in one of the happiest jobs in America but for many, it’s far from true. On occasions, choosing the right career path with that perfect mix of job satisfaction, work-life balance and (of course) a healthy salary can seem tricky. However, don’t give up just yet!

Those jobs are out there and waiting for you to discover them. We’ve listed 5 of America’s happiest jobs to give you some inspiration and guidance on your search for the perfect career. When writing your resume, these are the sorts of roles to target!

The 5 Happiest Jobs in the USA

5 of the Happiest Jobs in America

5. Real Estate Agent

Average salary: $53,800

Realtors in the United States are some of the happiest workers across the nation. It’s a career that allows more flexibility than most over a weekly working schedule and empowers employees to work with a sort of autonomy that you won’t find in many other jobs.

This is also a career path that gives room for creativity, as well as the fact that Realtors get to combine a little bit of interior design know-how, salespersonship and, of course, expert storytelling. Furthermore being a Real Estate Agent also offers the possibility to make a lot of people happy as you help them find their dream home.

4. HR Manager

Average salary: $64,800

HR managers are offered a lot of trust in their work and also get to foster the growth of hundreds if not thousands of employees, depending on the size of the company in question. Human Resources is a broad field which includes employee selection, maintaining safety standards, resolution of conflict and ensuring good communication between upper management and the rest of the team.

The HR Manager of any business gets a lot of say in the hiring policy and also a lot of influence over the corporate culture, so it’s a role where you really get to make your mark.

3. Construction Manager

Average salary: $72,400

The position of Construction Manager not only offers workers the chance to take on a key leadership role within a team as a project manager. They are the men and women responsible for the site’s safety, making sure that building codes are adhered to and ensuring that all parties involved in the project are happy.

As over 75% of America’s construction managers are independent contractors, this is a role that commands a high salary, offers a lot of choices when choosing projects and a considerable amount of autonomy. It also allows the opportunity to play a crucial part within huge infrastructure projects, the creation of new houses, offices and even skyscrapers.

2. IT Consultant

Average salary: $77,500

No business can do without good IT knowledge and that’s where an IT consultant comes in. They are the bridge between the technical team and the rest of the staff when it comes time to innovate. IT consultants are key to helping companies implement new systems, improve service infrastructure and imparting expert knowledge that strengthens the internal processes.

This is a role with a lot of autonomy, responsibility, and one that can command some of the highest salaries outside of executive management. Naturally, they are among the happiest workers of all.

1. Teaching Assistant

Average salary: $33,600

The happiest job of all on this list doesn’t offer the highest salary but it does offer huge amounts of satisfaction. Those working in the teaching sector help students flourish in their education and work towards guiding young (and sometimes older) minds towards knowledge and understanding.

An accomplished teaching assistant will be entrusted with a lot of responsibility for not just education but also for the safety and wellbeing of their students. This is a position where strong bonds are often formed with both colleagues and pupils alike. It is also one of the best jobs out there for someone who wants to make a positive and tangible difference in the lives of others.

What Makes People Happiest at Work?

people happy at wprk


Job Satisfaction

Every job is different and, of course, every employee is seeking their own ideal type of job satisfaction. So let’s unpack what job satisfaction is a little.

People tend to feel happier working in environments where they are given autonomy. Where they’re assigned relevant tasks and where they feel they are contributing something important to an organization. On the other hand, autocratic offices, where employees sense that the work they do is meaningless score amongst the unhappiest.

A Good Salary and Conditions

While some of us are in it for more than the salary, fundamentally money is one of the key motivators in the workplace. For many, the goal is to get the highest pay possible, although only a very privileged few achieve millionaire paychecks. Also, higher wages don’t guarantee job happiness. Higher paying jobs can often involve long hours, more stress and, in a few cases, more danger.

When it comes to money, the most important considerations for the majority of people is to make sure your salary package covers your needs adequately (especially important if you are providing for other family members). Additionally, working for a salary which properly values your work and offers suitable compensation for the sort of job you’re doing counts a great deal towards how happy you feel at work.

A Good Relationship with your Bosses and Coworkers

Relationships are one of the best predictors of happiness in any field.

A workplace where everyone hates each other is no place to find happiness. How well you get on with your managers and fellow employees is a big factor in how comfortable you’ll feel in your job.

The happiest workplaces foster a sense of community, where employees can communicate effectively with each other and, perhaps more importantly, with their superiors. As Christine Carter, author of The Sweet Spot: How To Find Your Groove at Home and Work explains: “Relationships are one of the best predictors of happiness in any field.”

A Manageable Work-life Balance

The average American spends 34.5 hours a week at work. This compares quite well to the 40.3 hours the average European works and the astonishing 48 hours per week for the average employee in Asia.

However, even in the best jobs, if you’re working with little time available to pursue other interests you’re not going to feel very happy. This also counts for jobs where you’re on call outside of office hours or where you feel you can never really switch off. Workers who have more flexibility over their work schedule and who work in sectors and jobs that respect their downtime often rank amongst the happiest of all.

Being happy at work doesn’t just depend on one factor. A mix of influences and circumstances play a big part in creating a happy workplace, where you’ll always start your day with a smile. If you’re looking to make a move into a happier career, make sure to follow the tips on how to write a resume so you can ensure you get the job that will make your working life happier.

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